Hi, my name is Gemma.
As a coach, I support you as you develop your own insight and inner resources. I'm an MSc in psychodynamic psychology, a Jungian psychoanalyst- in- training*, and have over 20 years of experience as a mentor, applied theatre practitioner and storyteller. My processes are rigorous and my approach draws on the transformational power of Jungian psychology. I'm not here for a 'quick fix'. This is an in- depth journey that goes beyond goal setting; resulting in meaningful growth and transformation.
I'm here to help you navigate life's transitions.
I have lived in three different countries, raised three children, and worked in multiple fields. I've experienced career stagnation, divorce, overwhelm and loss of direction on my own journey. I've made radical choices in my life, and I've learnt how to find my way back to meaning and connection.
Chances are, you're here because you're experiencing the
call to change.
I am an intuitive, feeling, observant and curious advocate for your growth, and I pledge to offer you a safe and honest space for expansion.
Everyone needs a light to help them navigate the darkness. I will hold the lantern as your story unfolds.
*I do not offer psycho- analysis as part of my life coaching practice. I can recommend qualified psychotherapists to supplement or replace working with me, depending on your needs.